About Us

Vision · CI

기술진보 관련 아이콘
Technological Progress
  • Technology and Product Development Progress
  • Innovative product development in the RF component industry
매출증대 관련 아이콘
Sales Increase
  • Stable and aggressive sales
  • Development of key military components
  • Development of commercial Marketable Products
가치창출 관련 아이콘
Value Creation
  • Creating social value through corporate growth
  • Increasing employment of our company and partner
  • Boost domestic demand with value sharing
성과공유 관련 아이콘
Performance sharing
  • Share performance for all employees
  • Performance-based benefits
  • warm welfare
사회환원 관련 아이콘
Society Restoration
  • The return of company profits to society
  • Periodic service and donation
  • Investment to Foster backwardness
디에스전자 한글 로고 이미지

CI: Corporate identity

The logo for Electric Device Solution is
‘Blue’, a symbol of future-oriented high technology.
Blue is traditionally a symbol of logic, reason, and stability.
It presents a futuristic image and symbolizes science.

‘Orange’, a symbol of vitality.
Orange symbolizes warmth, and vitality.

This means creating a warm and beautiful world that promises a rich future based on innovative ideas about research and development and electronics.

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